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Auction system and card-play agreements.

Modern 2/1 with gadgets.



2024-04-17 Cozy booth at FEL

2024-04-11 Adam’s lair

  • fixed changelog, fixed 1M - 2NT to look good
  • added (1♣) - 2♣ 5spades + 5 other if 1♣ is 3+clubs
  • changed responses after (1m) - 2m to 2R is p/c

2024-01-07 Faust Shisha bar

  • Add 2♦ drury w/4-card support
  • Rework passed hand bidding after 1M
  • Rework 1♥-1♠-2♦ for consistency - 3rd lvl INV
  • 1m-(3♥)-X shows spades, 3♠ asks for stopper.
  • 1♠-(3♥)-X incline to bid 3NT with stopper, 3♠ support wide-range
  • After 1♥-(4m) and 4♥ opening, 4♠ spades, 4NT RKCB
  • deleted bunch of unused crap
  • After 2NT jump reopen STAY + TRF
  • S láskouuu kluci a děvčata <3