Two-way Checkback
- 1♣-1♦-1♥
- 1♣-1♥-1♠
- 1♣-1♦-1♠ (5+♣ 4♠)
- 1♣-1♦-1♥-2♦ and 1♣-1♥-1♠-2♦
- 1♣-1♦-1♠-2♦
- 1♣-1♦-1♠-1NT
- 1♣-1♥-1♠-1NT
- 1♦-1♥-1♠
- 1♦-1♥-1♠-1NT
- 1♦-1♥-1♠-2♣
- 1♦-1♥-1♠-2♦
- After 2♣ Checkback
- Checkback is off when they interfere
- 1♠
- nat, nF
- 1NT
- nat, 5-10
- 2♣
- puppet - INV or ♦ s/o
- 2♦
- GF (by passed hand = nat INV)
- 2♥
- 7-10, 5+♥ (w/5-6 pass)
- 2♠
- nat GF 5♥ 4♠
- 2NT
- puppet - club s/o or 6♦ 4M 9-10 (sbsq. correction to 3♦ opener raises w/15-16)
- 3m
- 5♥ 5m+, INV
- 3♥
- 6+♥, INV
- 1NT
- nat, 5-10
- 2♣
- puppet - INV or ♦ s/o
- 2♦
- GF (by passed hand = nat INV)
- 2♥
- 7-10, 5♠ 4+♥
- 2♠
- 7-10, 5+♠ (w/5-6 pass)
- 2NT
- puppet - club s/o or 6♦ 4M, 9-10 (sbsq. correction to 3♦ opener raises w/15-16)
- 3x
- 5♠ 5+x, INV
- 3♠
- 6+♠, INV
1♣-1♦-1♠ (5+♣ 4♠)
- 1NT
- 5-10
- 2♣
- puppet - INV or ♦ s/o
- 2♦
- GF (by passed hand = nat INV)
- 2♥
- 6+♥, 7-10
- 2♠
- 5-10
- 2NT
- puppet - club s/o or 6♦ 4M, 9-10 (sbsq. correction to 3♦ opener raises w/15-16)
- 3m
- 5♥ 5+m, INV
- 3♥
- 6+♥, INV
1♣-1♦-1♥-2♦ and 1♣-1♥-1♠-2♦
- 2M
- 3M, bal, 11-13(14)
- 2NT
- 2M, bal, 11-13(14) denies 4♠ after partner’s 1♦/4♥ after partner’s 1♥
- 3rd lvl
- unbal, nat, 3M
- 2♥
- (after partner’s 1♥) bal 4♥ and could have 3♠ (lowest first)
- 2♠
- (after partner’s 1♦) bal 4♠ and can’t have 3♥ (lowest first)
- 2♥
- =4315
- 2♠
- =4225, w/o ♦ stopper
- 2NT
- =4225, w/♦ stopper
- 3♣
- =4126/=4216/=4036/7(+)4
- 3♦
- =4135/=4045
- 3♠
- =4306
- 2♣
- 6+♣ 4♠, retreat from 1NT, 11-14
- 2♦
- =4045, 15-16
- 2♥
- =4315, 15-16
- 2♠
- =4135, 15-16
- 2NT
- =4225, 15-16
- 3♣
- 6+♣ 4♠, 15-16
- 2♣
- 6+♣ 3♠, retreat from 1NT, 11-14
- 2♦
- =3145, 15-16
- 2♥
- =2425, 15-16
- 2♠
- =3415, 15-16
- 2NT
- =2245, 15-16
- 3♣
- 6+♣ 3♠, 15-16
- 1NT
- 5-10
- 2♣
- INV or s/o (opener w/ 17-18 doesn’t accept the puppet)
- 2♦
- GF (by passed hand nat INV)
- 2♥
- 6+♥, 5-10
- 2♠
- 5-10
- 2NT
- puppet - minor s/o w/9-10 (w/6♣ 4♥ and 5-8 bid 1NT)
- 3♣
- INV, 5♥ 5+♣
- 3♦
- INV, 5♥ 4+♦
- 3♥
- INV, 6+♥
- 2♣
- 15-16, any
- 2♦
- 6♦ 4♠, retreat from 1NT, 11-14
- 2♥
- =4351, 17-18
- 2♠
- =4153, 17-18
- 2NT
- =4252, 17-18
- 3♣
- =4153/=4054, 17-18
- 3♦
- 6♦ 4♠, 17-18
- 2♦
- 11-16
- 2♥
- 17-18, =4351/=4360
- 2♠
- 17-18, =4252 w/o ♣ stopper
- 2NT
- 17-18, =4252 w/♣ stopper
- 3♣
- 17-18, =4153/=4054/=4144
- 3♦
- 17-18, =4162/=4261/=4063/7(+)4
- 2♥
- =4351
- 2♠
- =4252 w/o ♣ stopper
- 2NT
- =4252 w/♣ stopper
- 3♣
- =4153/=4054/=4144
- 3♦
- =4162/=4261/=4063/7(+)4
- 3♥
- =4360
After 2♣ Checkback
No need to always bid 2♦ – w/ ♦ singleton, correct back to responder’s M at 2nd lvl
After opener follows the 2♣ by 2♦ relay
- 2M
- 5+M, INV
- 2oM
- 54+, INV
- 2NT
- 4M, bal INV
- 3m
- 4M 5+m, INV
- 3M
- 6+M, bad suit, INV
- 3NT
- 5332, 12.5-15
Checkback is off when they interfere
- 2m
- to play
- Cue
- INV+
- 2NT
- nat INV