Higher openings
3♣ Opening
- New suit
- 3rd lvl nat GF
- 3NT
- to play
- 4♣
- pre-empt
- 5♣
- to play
- 4th lvl
- Kickback and control bids for clubs
3♦ Opening
- 3M and 4♣
- nat GF
- 3NT
- to play
- 4♦
- 5♦
- to play
- 4th level
- KB and control bids for diamonds
3♥ Opening
- 3♠
- nat GF
- 3NT
- to play
- 4♥
- to play
- 5m
- to play
- 4th level
- KB and control bids for hearts
3♠ Opening
- 3NT
- to play
- 4♥
- to play
- 4m
- cue-bids
- 4NT
- The only sequence in the system where a jump to 4NT is Kickback
3NT Opening
Specific Ace Ask
- 4♣
- no ace
- 4♦/4♥/4♠/5♣
- only this ace
- 4NT
- both pointed or both rounded aces
- 5♦/5♥/5♠
- ace in this suit and also ace in the higher-ranking suit (e.g. spades+clubs)
- 5NT
- both minor aces
4m Opening
everything is to play
4♥ Opening
- 4♠
- to play
- 4NT
- 5m
- cue (second round control is OK)
4♠ Opening
- 4NT
- Kickback
- 5m and 5♥
- cue (second round control is OK)