- (1♥)-2♥-(p)
- (1♠)-2♠-(p)
- (1♣)-2♣-(p)
- (1♦)-2♦-(p)
- Leaping and Non-leaping Michaels
- Three level cuebid
- (1♣)-2♣
- 5+♠ 5+any*, 12+ if 1♣ promises 3+ clubs
- natural clubs otherwise
- (1♦)-2♦
- 5+♠ 5+any*, 12+
- (1x)-2NT
- 55+ lowest,15+, good ODR
- (1M)-2M
- 5+oM 5+m, 12+ with own spades, 15+ with own hearts
Passed hand | 4th hand LIVE | Reopen | |
Michaels | Yes | Yes (Opening shows 4+) | Yes (Opening shows 4+) |
Unusual NT | Yes | Yes | No |
Mostly sound 55+, rarely you can have only 4 cards in your higher ranking suit.
Be careful when there is little chance of making a game by both NS and EW.
You give too much information with two-suited overcall.
Be careful with Unusual NT, as you give your opposition the choice of two cue-bids.
- 2♠
- to play
- 2NT
- show your minor (or INV w/ spade support)
- 3♠
- good raise aka distributional subINV (9-10) with decent fit, mostly 4+ support
- 3m
- nat INV
- 3NT
- to play
- 4m
- FJ
- 4♥
- 4♠
- to play
- 4NT
- Kickback
- 2NT
- nF minor or s/o in 3♥ (weaker than 3♥)
- 3♣
- p/c
- 3♦
- 7+ w/heart support
- 3♥
- 5-6 with 4+♥ or a really useful hand with 3♥ and a void
- 3NT
- to play
- 4m
- FJ
- 4♥
- to play
- 4♠
- Kickback
- 2♦
- p/c
- 2♥
- p/c
- 2♠
- nat nF
- 2NT
- show your other suit (or INV w/ spade support)
- 3m
- 6+m INV
- 3♥
- 6+♥ INV
- 3♠
- good constructive raise aka distributional subINV (9-10) with decent fit, mostly 4+ cards
- 3NT
- to play
- 4m
- FJ for spades
- 4M
- to play
- 4NT
- Kickback for spades
- 2♥
- p/c
- 2♠
- nat nF
- 2NT
- show your other suit (or INV w/ spade support)
- 3m
- 6+m INV
- 3♥
- 6+♥ INV
- 3♠
- good constructive raise aka distributional subINV (9-10) with decent fit, mostly 4+ cards
- 3NT
- to play
- 4m
- FJ for spades
- 4M
- to play
- 4NT
- Kickback for spades
We reopen X after we have bid a Michaels cue-bid or Unusual 2NT: DSI3
Always by a passed hand.
- 1NT
- promises 4oM and 5+m w/almost opening values
- 1NT
- promises 55+ unbids w/almost opening values
Leaping and Non-leaping Michaels
Against | 4♣ | 4♦ | |
2♦ or 3♦ | ♣+M | Majors | After 4♣, 4♦ asks for the Major |
2♥ or 3♥ | ♣+♠ | ♦+♠ | |
2♠ or 3♠ | ♣+♥ | ♦+♥ | |
3♣ | ♦+M | Majors | After 4♣, 4♥ asks for the Major |
Also used by 4th hand LIVE in these situations:
- 1m-3m
- 2m-3m
- 1M-3M
- 2M-3M
- 1M-X-2M
- After they intervene our 1NT w/conventional overcall
Three level cuebid
(*a = natural PRE)
- 3a
- Bid 3NT with this stopper (not Michaels)