1♦ Opening
- 1♦-1♥
- 1♦-1♠
- 1♦-1M-1NT
- 1♦-1♠-1NT
- 1♦-1M-1NT-2♣
- 1♦-1M-2♣
- 1♦-1♥-2♦
- 1♦-1♠-2♦
- 1♦-1M-2M
- 1♦-1M-2M-2NT
- 1♦-1♠-2♥
- 1♦-1♥-2♠
- 1♦-1♥-2♠-2NT
- 1♦-1M-2NT
- 1♦-1NT
- 1♦-1NT-2♣
- 1♦-1NT-2♣-2♦
- 1♦-2♣
- 1♦-2♦
- 1♦-2♦-2NT
- 1♦-2♥
- 1♦-2♥-2NT
- 1♦-2♥-3♣
- 1♦-2♠
- 1♦-3♣
- Passed hand bidding
- When 2nd hand interferes
- When 4th hand interferes
- When they reopen
- 1M
- 5+ and 4+M
- 1NT
- GF
- bal w/o 4M
- 4+♦, unbal, 4M possible
- 5♣332/6♣322 or 5+♣, unbal w/4M
- 2♣
- 5-8, (5)6+♣
- 2♦
- 5-10, 3(4)♦ including 5-6 or 9-10, 4+♦, offensive raise
- 2♥
- 5♠ 4+♥, 5-10
- 2♠
- 9-12.5, (5)6+♣
- 2NT
- INV, (2)3+♦
- 3♣
- offensive raise,7-8, 4+♦
- 3♦
- 3M
- 12-15, SPL w/void
- 3NT
- 12-15, SPL♣w/void
- 4M
- to play, long suit w/o outside control, semi-PRE
- 1♠
- 11-18,5+♦ 4♠
- 1NT
- 17+, 5+♦ 4+♣ or 17+, 6+♦ 0-2♥
- 2♣
- 11-16, 4+♦ 4+♣
- 2♦
- 11-16, 6+♦ (15-16 must be poor suit)
- 2♥
- 11-14, 3+♥, also w/=4351, 11-14
- 2♠
- nat reverse, 19+
- 2NT
- 15+, 6+♦ 3♥ or 5+♦ 4♥
- 3♣
- 15-16, 5♦ 5♣ (good texture)
- 3♦
- 15-16, good 6+♦ 0-2♥
- 3♥
- 17-18, 4♥
- 3♠
- 3NT
- to play
- 4♣
- 4♦
- GF, 4♥ w/(almost) solid 6+♦
- 4♥
- 19-20, 4♥
- 1NT
- 17+, 5♦ 4♣ or 17+ 6+♦ 0-2♠
- 2♣
- 11-16, 4+♦ 4+♣
- 2♦
- 11-16, 6+♦ (or 5♦ 4♥), must have 5♦ or poor 6-suit w/15-16
- 2♥
- nat reverse
- 2♠
- 11-13(14), 3+♠
- 2NT
- 15+, 6+♦3♠ or 5+♦ 4♠
- 3♣
- 15-16, 5♦ 5♣(good texture)
- 3♦
- 15-16, good 6+♦ 0-2♠
- 3♥
- 3♠
- 17-18, 5+♦ 4♠, no ♥ shortness
- 3NT
- to play
- 4♣
- 4♥
- 3♠
- 19-20, 4♠
- 2♣
- 2♦
- 5-6, to play
- 2M
- 5-6, 6+M
- 2NT
- 5-6, no other suitable call
- 3NT
- to play
- 2♥
- 6♠ 4♥, 5-6
- 2♦
- 6322 w/o 3M or 7222
- 2oM
- 6322 w/3M
- 2M
- 5♦4♣ w/3M
- 2NT
- 5♦4♣ w/o 3M
- 3♣
- 5♦5♣
- 3♦
- 6+♦ w/♣shortness
- 3M
- 6+♦ w/M shortness
- 2♦
- (5)7-10, correction (opener sbsq. bids w/15-16)
- 2oM
- GF
- 2M
- 5-10, 6+M
- 2NT
- nat INV
- 3♣
- 9-10
- 3♦
- nat INV
- 3♥
- INV, 5♠5♥
- 3M
- nat INV
- 2♥
- 5-10, 6+♥
- 2♠
- GF
- 2NT
- nat INV
- 3♦
- 9-10
- 3♣
- nat INV
- 2♥
- 5♠4+♥, INV
- 2♠
- 5-10, 6+♠
- 2NT
- nat INV
- 3♣
- GF
- 3♦
- 9-10
- 3♠
- natINV, 6+♠
- 2♠
- nat INV+
- 2NT
- 3♣, 3♥
- shortness, INV+, 5+M
- 3♦
- nF
- 3M
- 6+M, tactical
- 3♣
- not accepting the INV, only 3M, 5♦ 4+♣
- 3♦
- not accepting the INV, only 3M, w/o 4+♣
- 3M
- not accepting the INV, 4M
- 3NT
- accepting the INV, only 3M
- 4M
- accepting the INV, 4M
- 2♠
- 5+♠, 5-6
- 2NT
- mini-Lebensohl, minor s/o / support, 5-6 / GF w/5♠ /bal w/♣ stopper
- 3m
- nat GF
- 3♥
- nat GF
- 3♠
- GF, 6+♠
- 3NT
- bal w/o ♣ stopper
- 2NT
- ASK for shape
- 3♣
- 6+♣
- 3♦
- nat
- 3♥
- 6+♥ (then everything other than 3NT & 4♥ for hearts)
- 3♠
- extras
- 4♠
- fast arrival
- 3♣
- =4153/=4054/=4063
- 3♦
- =4261/=4162/ 7♦4♠
- 3♥
- =4351
- 3♠
- =4252 w/o ♣ stopper
- 3NT
- =4252 w/♣ stopper
- 3♣
- INV+ ASK (3♦/3M min, 3NT/4M max, other 3rd lvl GBS, 4th control for M)
- 3♦
- only 4M, 5-6
- 3M
- 5M, 5-6
- 3oM
- control for M
- 3NT
- to play
- 4♣
- control for M
- 4♦
- S/T
- 4M
- 5+M, 7+, to play
Continuation after sequences like 1♦-1M-3m: GBS, stoppers from lowest, M rebid shows 5+M GF
- 2♣
- 11-16, waiting
- 2♦
- 17+, 6+♦, 0-1♣
- 2M
- 17+, 5+♦, 4M
- 2NT
- 17+, 6+♦, 2♣
- 3♣
- 17+, 6+♦, 3+♣
- 3♦
- 17+, 7+♦, AKQJxxx or better, exactly one control outside
- 3M
- 17+, 5+♦, 4+♣, 0-1M
- 3NT
- 17+, =2254
- 2♦
- GF (3)4+♦, may be M4 or good diamond support w/longer clubs too
- 2M
- 5+♣ 4M, GF (sbsq: 2♠ nat, 2NT extras w/o support, 3M, 4M support (Fast Arrival), 3♣ extras, support)
- 2NT
- bal, w/o M4 (sbsq: 3NT no extras, 3x nat, extras)
- 3♣
- 6+♣ or 5♣332, GF (sbsq: 3♦ 0-2♣, 3M and 3NT 3+♣ GBS)
- 3M
- SPL w/singleton
- 3NT
- SPL ♣ w/singleton
- 2M
- nat, subsequently:
- 2♠
- nat,
- 2NT
- extras w/o M4,
- 3M/4M
- support (Fast Arrival)
- 3♣
- nat, 5+♣, w/extras,
- 3NT
- w/o extras, no 4♠ after 2♥
- 2NT
- 54+ minors w/extras
- 3♣
- nat, 54+ w/o extras
- 3♦
- 6+♦, w/extras
- 3M
- 3NT
- 6+♦, w/o extras
- 2♦
- to play
- 2M
- nat, INV+
- 2NT
- 5+♦ 4+♣, INV
- 3♣
- tactical
- 3♦
- 6+♦, INV
- 3M
- lowest stopper
- 3NT
- to play
- 2NT
- ASK, 15+
- 3♣
- 11-14, 5♦4♣+
- 3♦
- tactical
- 3M
- SPL, 6+♦, GF
- 3NT
- ♣SPL, 6+♦, GF
- 3♣
- 7-8
- 3♦
- 5-6
- 3M
- GF, lowest stopper
- 3NT
- 9-10 w/both M stopped
- pass or 2♠
- to play
- 2NT
- ASK,15-16, 4+♣ or 17-18 any
- 3♣
- 15-16, 6+♦
- 3♦
- 11-14, 6+♦
- 3M
- 15-16 w/support
- 3♣
- 7-8
- 3♦
- 5-6
- 3♥
- 9-10, 5♠ 4♥
- 3♠
- 9-10, 5♠ 5♥
- 3NT
- 9-10, 65MM (4♣ then ask for longer M, responses: 4♦ is ♠, 4♥ shows ♥ or equal)
- 3♦
- 5-8
- 3♥
- 9-10, 5♠ 5♥ (3♠ GBS)
- 3♠
- 9-10, 5♠ 4♥ w/o ♣ stopper
- 3NT
- 9-10, 5♠ 4♥ w/♣ stopper
- 2NT
- nat INV
- 3m
- to play
- 3M
- lowest stopper
- 3NT
- to play
- 4m
- slam try in this minor
- 3♦
- to play
- 3M
- GF, stoppers from the lowest
Passed hand bidding
- 1NT
- nat INV
- 2♦
- can’t bid 2NT nor 3♣
- 2M
- 4-6 6+M
- 2NT
- offensive raise, 9-10, 4+♦, unbal
- 3♣
- offensive raise, 7-8, 4+♦, unbal
- 3♣
- nat GF
- 3♦
- to play
- 3M
- 3NT
- to play
- 4♣ and 4M
- SPL, max
When 2nd hand interferes
- XX
- (9)11+, PEN
- 1M
- nat
- 1NT
- 7-10
- 2♣
- 7-10, (5)6+♣
- 2♦
- 7-10 w/support
- 2M
- 4-6, 6+M
- 2NT
- nat INV
- 3♣
- GF, 6+♣
- 3♦
- 3NT
- to play
- X
- TRF ♠
- 1♠
- TRF NT, can be INV or GF minor (sbsq. INV = 2nd lvl, GF = 3rd lvl)
- 1NT
- INV bal
- 2♣
- 7-10, (5)6+♣
- 2♦
- 7-10, 3+♦
- 2♥
- GF, asks for a halfstopper
- 2♠
- 4-6, 6+M
- 2NT
- INV+ w/ diamonds, unbal
- 3♣
- FJ
- 3♦
- 3♥
- GF, ♥ shortness
- 3♠
- GF, 6+♠
- 3NT
- to play
- X
- 7+, 4+♥
- 1NT
- 7-10
- 2♣
- (3)4+♦, 7-12.5
- 2♦
- (5)6+♥, 7+
- 2♥
- (5)6+♣, 7+
- 2♠
- GF, ask
- 2NT
- nat INV
- 3♣
- nat, GF
- 3♦
- 4+♦, PRE
- 3♥
- nat, GF
- 3♠
1♦-(1♠)-2♣-(P or X)
- 2♦
- to play against 7-10
- 2♥
- GF, 5+♦ 4♥
- 2♠
- GF w/o stopper, ask
- 2NT
- GF w/stopper
- 3♣
- GF, 5+♦ 4+♣
- 3♦
- 3M
1♦-(1♠)-2♣-(P or X)-2♦-(P or X)
- 2♥
- semi-nat INV, F
- 2♠
- INV w/o stopper
- 2NT
- nat INV w/stopper
- 3m
- nat INV
- 3M/4♣
1♦-(1♠)-2♦-(P or X)
- (X)-P
- 11-16, 0-1♥
- 2♥
- to play against 7-10
- 2♠
- GF w/o stopper, ask
- 2NT
- GF w/stopper
- 3♣
- GF, 5+♦ 4+♣
- 3♦
- 15-16, 6+♦0-1♥
- 3♥
- 3♠
1♦-(1♠)-2♦-(P or X)-2♥-(P or X)
- 2♠
- GF, ask
- 2NT
- nat INV
- 3m
- GF, 5+♥ 4+m
- 3♥
- nat INV
- 3♠/4m
1♦-(1♠)-2♦-(P or X)-2NT-(P or X)
- 3♣/♦/♥
- nat
- 3♠/4m
1♦-(1♠)-2♥-(P or X)
- 2♠
- 15+, ask (2NT 9-10, 3♣ 7-8)
- 2NT
- min
- 3♣
- accepting if INV
- 3♦
- 15-16, 6+♦
- 3♥
- GF, 5+♦ 4+♥
- 3♠
- GF, ask
- 4♣
- GF
- X
- (9)11+ PEN
- 2♣
- 7-10, (5)6+♣
- 2♦
- 7-10, 3+♦
- 2M
- 7-10, (5)6+M
- 2NT
- 5♥ 5♠+, 7+
- 3♣
- 5♣ 5M, 7+
- 3♦
- 3M
- nat PRE
- 3NT
- to play (RHO has obviously psyched)
1♦-(2♣ and higher)
- X
- 7(8/9/10)+ negative (Thrump double after 3M overcall)
- 2♦
- 7-10 w/support
- 2M
- 7-10, (5)6+M
- 2NT
- nat INV
- Cue 3rd lvl
- GF, ask for halfstopper
- 3♦
- PRE after 2♣ OVCL, mixed after higher
- New suit 3rd lvl
- nat, GF
- 3NT
- to play
- 4M
- 4♦
- GF, support
- 4♣
- GF, support
- 4♦
- nat INV
When 4th hand interferes
- XX
- 11-16, 3M
- Rest
- System ON
4th hand overcalls (no jump) on the 2nd lvl after our 1♦-1M
- X
- support
- 2NT
- 17-18, (semi-)bal w/stopper
- Cue
- INV+, stopper ask
- 3M
- 15-18 w/support
- 3NT
- 19+ w/stopper
4th hand PRE
- 3M
- 11-14 w/4 card support and not a very defensive hand (can be stretched NV)
- X
- 15+, DSI2, can be with support
1♦-(p)-1M–(1M+1 to 3M-2) (i. e. when we have at least two suit bids available)
- 3M
- 11-14 w/4 card support and not a very defensive hand - (can be stretched NV)
- X
- 17+ DSI3, but also Thrumpish
- 3 unbid
- INV w/4+ card support (if two calls free, then w/values here rather than in unbid one)
- 3♦
- 15-16, 6+♦
- X
- (IMPs) GF
- (MPs) 9+
- 3b
- (IMPs) 9-12.5
- (MPs) 9+
When they reopen
Openers bidding after RHOs reopen X
- XX
- 17-19 semibal
- 1NT
- 6+ suit which was opened, 17+
- rebid 2nd lvl
- good 6+ suit 15-16
- new suit
- 17+, 55+
- 3rd lvl action
- extra strong, 9 tricks against bust
Openers bidding after RHOs suit reopen
- X
- 17+, T/o
- 1NT
- 17-19, (semi)bal w/stopper
- rebid 2nd lvl
- 17+, 6+ suit
- new suit
- 17+ 5+ 5+
- 3rd lvl action
- extra strong, 9 tricks against bust
Openers bidding after RHOs 1NT reopen
- X
- 17+ DSI3
- rebid 2nd lvl
- 17+, good 6+ suit
- new suit
- 17+, 5+ 5+
- 3rd lvl action
- p/c or to play against a complete bust and misfit