Common rules and notes: 1st lvl suit openings
TRF after 1♣-(1R or X)
TRF after 1♦-(1♥)
TRF after 1M-(X)
TRF after 1♥-(1♠)
TRF after 1m-(1♠)
Partner has m: cue is GF, asks for stopper
Partner has M: cue is mixed raise
Partner has m: 2NT is nat INV and can be passed
Partner has M: 2NT is INV+ with support
New suit 2nd lvl = nF 7-10(11)
New suit 3rd lvl (no jump) = GF (5)6+ cards (can be stretched) (INV bph)
With a hand that is worth exactly INV, decide if you bid on the 2nd or 3rd lvl
Jump in a new suit on the 2nd lvl is 4-6HCP 6+suit - e.g. 1♦-(1♥ or X)-2M
New suit 3rd lvl (jump) = GF 6+ cards (INV bph)
Hello ON after 1♣-(1NT) (X is PEN 9-11+ depends if you have a good lead, tricks etc.)
Two-suiters 2NT and 3♣ after 1♦-(1NT)
1♠-(4♥)-X DSI4
3m FJs after 1M-(X)
4m is always FJ/FNJ for partners M
1♦-(1♥)-3♣ is FJ, because we have NT/minor transfer
1♥-(1♠)-3m is FJ, because we have NT/minor transfer
Passed hand bidding structure is OFF after opponents interfere (the interference sturcutre has the priority)
For the details about negative and support X/XX, see Doubles
For tackling their two-suited overcalls, see Defences and countermeasures to their artificial approaches
After our negative free bid (2nd lvl)
- cue
- GF ask for stopper
- 2NT
- 3 in pards suit
- INV w/support
- new suit eco
- nF 55 at most singleton in partners suit
- rebid your suit
- nF to play
- new suit reverse
- INV+ nat
special rules after TRF “negative free bids+”
After they overcall our 1NT response
A double by opener should be T/o and a double by responder should be DSI2
Bad 2NT
Both opponents bid after our opening, partner inbetween:
- 2NT
- puppet to 3♣, only competitive values
- suit
- real values, 15+
Sub-minimum responses to 1♦ and 1M
Especially good if partner opened in first seat; a light response loses its preemptive value if both opponents have already passed. You should be short in the suit partner opened. If partner makes a forcing-to-game rebid, you won’t feel compelled to pass. Your hand should have someredeeming feature – a 6-card suit, two suits, 54, both w/at least a king. After a one diamond opening, strongly consider doing it w/both majors and 3-4 (especially at IMPs). A weak response may also be justified when you’re desperate to get partner out of his suit. If he opens 1♠, you might consider a forcing 1NT with
♠- ♥1065 ♦Q1082 ♣986543
You’ve made a great decision if partner rebids 2♣, 2♦ or 2♥. On a bad day, he’ll raise notrump or bid more spades and you’ve turned a bad contract into a terrible one, but that’s a gamble you were willing to take.
Openers Reopen
Reopening with 1NT suggests 17-19 and a relatively balanced hand, usually with a guard in the overcaller’s suit. Two level suit continuations (including a cue bid) are natural, signoffs. 2NT/3NT are natural. 3♣/3♦/3♥ are invitational.
Reopening with 2NT jump suggests a slightly lower minimum than 1NT, but with a long minor of significant quality and possibly an unbalanced hand. Partner raises with a fast trick and/or some useful-looking bits and pieces. A retreat to opener’s minor is nonforcing but everything else is forcing and suggests length in the overcaller’s suit and perhaps significant values.
Reopening with jump 3NT is in the same family of hands as 2NT but with an extra length trick. A raise to 4NT is invitational while 5m (opener’s suit) and slam bids are signoffs. A raise to 5NT is forcing, offering a choice of strains. Other continuations are forcing and suggest a source of tricks.
With hands in the 1NT opening range and length in overcaller’s suit, opener generally passes. Thus, if responder believes his side will do best in 1NT or higher opposite this sort of hand he should act directly after the overcall, presumably with a negative double when he can’t introduce a major.
A reopening double is for takeout and suggests appropriate shape. In particular, at least three-card support for any unbid major is expected. A reopening double at the one level does not imply extra values.
Opener’s rebid of his minor needn’t deliver extra values but he will have at least a 6-card suit. With 6331 and shortness in the opponent’s suit, he can choose between 2m and X, depending on his inclination todefend facing a penalty pass.
A jump in his minor is 17+. Partner can introduce a new suit freely, with a reverse indicating extra strength.
Reopening with 2NT ostensibly suggests 18-20 HCP with a relatively balanced hand, stoppers, etc. However, with some of these hands we would prefer to pass, especially non-vulnerable. We are more likely to have a source of tricks and may well have an unbalanced.
Reopening with 3NT indicates a good hand with a serious source of tricks and may well be an unbalanced hand. A raise to 4NT is invitational while 5m (opener’s suit) and slam bids are signoffs. A raise to 5NT is forcing offering a choice of strains. Other continuations are forcing and suggest a source of tricks
A reopening double at the two-level or higher does not promise extra values when particularly shape-suitable but at the three or four level will usually deliver more than a dead minimum.